Today I gave Microsoft InTrack presentation about SharePoint deployment.
This was the agenda:
- Content Deployment
- Content Migration API
- Site Definitions
- Features
- Feature Stapling
- Solution Deployment
- Forms Deployment
On forehand I thought that most people would probably already have tried to deploy either content or solutions, but that wasn't the case. It was clear that people still find it fuzzy what needs to be deployed and how this can best be achieved. I hope that I didn't only dazzle the attendants with the different types of deployment, but that the presentation also gave some clarity about the different deployment possibilities. I also hope that it will be easier for the attendants to start using solution deployment and that I was convincing enough that taking the time to set up a solution deployment will actually save you time when deploying your custom SharePoint solutions.
The slides can be found here.
Links on content deployment:
Content Migration Package Explorer
SharePoint Content Deployment Wizard
Beware of Import/Export
How to: Customize Deployment for Disconnected Scenarios
SharePoint Content Migration Object Model and Content Migration Packages
Link on Solution Deployment:
Creating a Solution
The presentation yesterday in the Microsoft Innovation Center in Barneveld was a lot of fun. There were more people that had already worked with SharePoint deployment.
I used a slightly adjusted set of slides that can be found here.