While I was reading Inside Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 as a to prepare for the Master Program, I came across something interesting again.
In the Search Core Results Web Part you can enable stemming. If you are a non-English reader you probably wonder what stemming is, as I did when I read about it. Stemming is a method of mapping a linguistic stem to all matching words to increase the number of relevant results. This means that if searching for buy, you will also find results that contain bought, buying and buys. For Dutch readers: het betekent dus dat je ook vervoegingen vindt van woorden waar je op zoekt.
Very handy!
Stemming is disabled by default, but can be enabled in the properties of the Search Core Results Web Part.
You can also use stemming if you are using the Query class from the Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.dll assembly. The query class has a property EnableStemming that you can use to turn stemming on or off. Note that the query class also has a property Culture that is very relevant when using Stemming, so the query engine knows in what language it has to look for stem matches of the search term.